Health Professions Postbaccalaureate Program

Graduate professional programs are extremely competitive. 2018年,德克萨斯州有5811名医学院申请者,而只有1654名(28名).4%) students matriculated into medical school. 我们的课程使命是为学生提供学士学位的补充教育,为研究生课程做准备 in health professions. 我们的目标是通过教育提高每个学生的竞争力, service to mankind, and research.

Program Contact

Craig Younce's headshot.

Dr. Craig Younce

Associate Professor of Biology

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  • Health Professions Postbaccalaureate Program

Why take the Health Professions Postbacc Program?

Physics professor interacting with student in classroom

Improved Test Scores

成功的学生在完成后学士学位课程后将显示出提高的入学考试成绩(GRE或MCAT), including our Kaplan Prep course. 在竞争激烈的环境中获得研究生卫生专业计划, higher test scores are essential.

Student teacher speaks to young children taking notes

Improve Foundational Knowledge

我们将提高你的健康科学的基础知识,包括化学, biology, mathematics, and physics. 我们将提供物理治疗领域的研究机会, Physician Assistant, Public Health, and Biomedical/Pharmaceutical Sciences. 我们还将帮助学生确定当地和/或国外的见习和医疗服务机会.

Program Details

每个学生将有12个月的课程(从五月学期或暑期一开始). 具体课程将由顾问在学生对学生的基础上选择,以定制每个学生的需求计划.

  • 一年化学(普通化学、有机化学或生物化学)
  • One year of Physics (PA-track is excluded)
  • One year of Biology minimum (General Biology I/II, Physiology, Advanced Anatomy with Nursing—Cadaver dissection, Immunology, Microbiology)
  • One semester of Statistics
  • 一年的研究和/或与合作部门/机构的志愿者和实习
  • Kaplan Prep Course (7-week GRE in the Fall; 8-week MCAT prep in Spring)
  • One year of social sciences (if needed—Intro to Psyc; Intro to Soci; Life Span Dev; Clinical Counseling, Business, Marketing)

学生必须在所有课程中获得B或更高的成绩. 在课程结束时,学生将被要求做一个公开的、口头的研究报告

Students must have earned a baccalaureate degree.

学生必须在课程中获得“B”或更高的成绩. 在任何一门课程中获得“C”或以下成绩的学生将被留校察看. 在一门以上的课程中取得“C”或更低的成绩将导致被开除.

成功完成为期12个月的课程,GPA达到3分.4分或以上(GPA要求可能因研究生课程而异),加上具有竞争力的GRE或MCAT成绩,将保证在HSU物理治疗系面试, HSU Masters in Physician Assistant Studies, and Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Additional, 成功的医学项目参与者将由德克萨斯理工大学健康科学中心医学院招生办公室进行个人评估,面试将扩展到最优秀的参与者.


  1. 熟练掌握物理治疗保健领域所需的基本和先进概念, physician assistant studies, medicine, nursing, and/or athletic training.
  2. Demonstrate their ability to read, understand, 批判性地分析医学相关文献和观点,呈现在教科书和发表的期刊文章
  3. 通过应用指定医疗保健研究领域(物理治疗)所需的概念,展示对基础和先进科学知识的理解, physician assistant, medicine (MD or DO), nursing, and/or athletic training).
  4. 能够用书面和口头形式清晰、有逻辑地表达信息.
  5. 为以下一个或多个医疗保健领域的研究生学习做好充分准备:物理治疗, Physician Assistant, Medicine (MD or DO), Nursing, and Athletic Training.
  6. 展示他们通过志愿服务帮助他人的承诺, service-learning projects, shadowing, and outreach (local, national, or international).

The Gateway Postbaccalaureate Programs follows SACS Best Practices for Certification Programs guidelines.